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Essential Oils Uses…
at how many different Essential Oils Uses there were! I could use them for Acne..check, allergies..check, joint and muscle pain…check, menstrual cramps…check check. The list kept going and going, I was becoming overwhelmed that I could find an oil for whatever seemed to be plaguing me that day. Now if all that wasn’t enough Essential Oils Uses, I started to learn all the different ways to incorporate them in cooking. In the beginning every day was an adventure with them and to be honest it still is.

Essential oils have a bazillion healing components to them ranging from antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, aid with digestive distress, headaches, moods, etc, the list is never ending. Now depending on which ailment you are wishing to relieve different oils may be suggested. I suggest reaching out to someone you know that has experience with essential oils, looking on this website, or my favorite is the Modern Guide to Essential Oils book found here.

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In terms of cooking with essential oils there are several things to know.

  1. A little goes a LONG way. Take oregano for example. If you were making a large pot of spaghetti sauce, you would take a toothpick run it along the orifice of the bottle and stir into the pot. Not even one drop for a whole pot of sauce!
  2. Avoid using essential oils with heat. DoTERRA goes to great lengths to make sure that the oils are extracted at cool enough temperatures to make sure that the healing properties are still viable. If you add essential oils when your food is still on the heat it will denature the properties, making the essential oil no longer beneficial and in some cases harmful. This being said, always add the oil last once your dish is taken off the heat and stir in then.
  3. Store food in glass containers. Although you are only using about 1 drop for an entire dish, essential oils still have the capability to eat through petrochemicals (plastic based products). To be safe always store the food in a glass container to avoid this.

Here is a chocolate peppermint sauce that you can use to top my Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Ice Cream!

Chocolate Peppermint Sauce

  • ½ C dark chocolate chips
  • 1 Tbs. coconut oil
  • 1 drop CPTG peppermint essential oil


  1. Over low heat, add the chocolate chips and coconut oil to a saucepan.
  2. Stir just until the chocolate chips melt together.
  3. Remove from the heat and stir in the peppermint essential oil.
  4. Drizzle over ice cream and enjoy!

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For the Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Ice Cream how to recipe visit me over at Revived-Living. I love hearing from you all and seeing your posts, to stay connected visit me on facebook and give me a like if you love what you see there.

Looking for more Essential Oils Uses for healthy and decadent desserts?

Click here to get your FREE copy of 5 recipe e-book that is gluten and dairy free, but you would never taste it!


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